December 2015

The feedback from headquarters is that the local chapters in Borneo should take “baby steps” in seeking greater autonomy from national leaders in the peninsula.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Opposition Leader and the head of the local chapter of the peninsula-based PKR, Lajim Ukin, who defected from the Barisan Nasional (BN) before the last General Election, has thrown down the gauntlet with party headquarters. This follows the realisation that the rural voters in Orang Asal country refuse to have anything to do with the party.

“Many Sabahans think that just as in Umno Sabah, PKR Sabah leaders have little say on how the state should be run.”

Taking a leaf from former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan, Lajim is demanding that PKR Sabah and Sarawak be allowed to have their own annual congresses separate from that held in the peninsula by the headquarters.

“We don’t want people going around saying that we are a parti Malaya and that we have no business being in Borneo,” said Lajim.

“We want to dispel the notion that we are puppets like the BN component parties in Sabah who are puppets of Umno and like the puppets in Umno Sabah.”

Lajim was explaining to the local media the stir he created in Shah Alam recently when he turned up with a 270-strong delegation from Sabah with placards demanding that Sabah and Sarawak be allowed to hold their own separate annual congresses.

“This is in line with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63),” said Lajim. “We must have autonomy from the headquarters.”

“If we can hold our own annual Congress, it will help us cut down on expenses travelling to the peninsula on party matters.”

He claims that the party headquarters may agree, in principle, that the Sabah and Sarawak chapters of the party have more autonomy. However, the feedback from the headquarters is that the local chapters in Borneo should take “baby steps” in seeking greater autonomy from the national leaders in the peninsula.

Lajim, who was appointed by jailed de facto Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, isn’t sure whether the PKR Sabah Chief should be elected.

Jeffrey left PKR when his demand that the PKR Sabah leader be elected was rejected by Anwar. The de facto PKR Chief also rejected Jeffrey’s demand that he make good his promise to honour the Tambunan Declaration which includes MA63.

PKR won seven state seats in 2013 but three of the lawmakers have since defected from the party. The party also holds the Penampang parliamentary seat.

The peninsula-based opposition parties in Sabah, as in Sarawak, are bogged down by local opposition parties splitting votes when it comes to election time. The peninsula-based opposition parties in Borneo claim that local opposition parties are being sponsored by BN, a charge which they have denied.

Ini yang dinamakan Resit Pengenalan JKM yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Jabatan Ketua Menteri Untuk Diberikan Kepada PTI yang masuk ke Sabah secara HARAM. Untuk Pengetahuan anda semua Resit ini lah yang memberi jaminan kepada Rakyat Filipina yang lari dan masuk secara haram, tinggal bebas di Sabah tanpa rasa takut untuk dicekup oleh Pihak Berkuasa..pernah terjadi dimana suatu operasi dijalankan pemegang Resit ini dibebaskan kerana mendapat Jaminan daripada 'orang kuat SABAH'( guess who ) sedangkan kategori yang disahkan sebagai dokumen pengenalan adalah kad pengenalan dan pasport..alahai...para pemimpin sedarlah anda telah menjual Negeri anda sendiri 

**Dokumen yang dikeluarkan kepada rakyat Filipina iaitu resit pengenalan drpd Jabatan Ketua Menteri untuk menukarkan ia kepada kad IMM13 seterusnya ditukarkan kepada kad pengenalan taraf penduduk tetap..anehnya resit pengenalan sementara yang dikeluarkan kepada rakyat Filipina cuma sekeping kertas yang tidak ada sebarang ciri keselamatan dan dikeluarkan kepada PENDATANG TANPA IZIN ini..boleh menukarkan ia kepada kad IMM13..Sedangkan ramai diantara mereka baru 2 minggu 'berlari' dari negara mereka untuk mendapatkan kertas bodoh ini..untuk pengetahuan anda semua ramai antara mereka ini mempunyai anak-anak yang bekerja di Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia khususnya di Sabah dan mempunyai pelbagai peringkat jawatan dari bawahan sehinggalah atasan (sejarah ibu bapa daripada Filipina mempunyai status penduduk tetap,masih memiliki IMM13..anak status warganegara)..**

Kredit to : Wartawan bebas

This statement by a Singapore Government Minister Lim Swee Say on the 50 anniversary of Singapore independence from "Malaysia" caused a storm among Malayan politicians.

The state of being "lucky" or in a colloquial Singaporean dialect "heng" can be traced back to 1965 when another S'pore Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (deceased) made an even more earth shaking speech on "equal treatment" in the Malayan Parliament which enraged UMNO front and backbench members leading to S'pore breakaway and independence.

LKY's speech in English and Malay challenged the UMNO supremacist agenda communal politics and asserted that "Malaysia" was formed on basis of equality.

"A Difficult Union
Even before the proclamation of the formation of the Federation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963, Singapore and Malayan leaders were mindful that the differences in the political approach and economic conditions between the two countries “cannot be wiped out overnight”.[10] This, however, did not prevent sharp exchanges between the leaders of both countries throughout the period of the union.

The slow progress of the creation of a common market and the difficulty in getting pioneer status from Kuala Lumpur for Singapore industries frustrated Singapore leaders, while Kuala Lumpur was dissatisfied with Singapore's dogged response to the federal government’s clamour for increased revenue contribution to combat the Indonesian Confrontation, and for an agreed loan to develop Sabah and Sarawak.[11]

At the political front, the grossly imbalanced Malay-Chinese population in both countries made each vulnerable to communal prejudices which were played up by political leaders. The two major political parties in Malaysia, the People’s Action Party (PAP) and the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), were soon accusing one another of communalism. The accusations escalated into tensions until they erupted into racial violence in Singapore on 21 July and 2 September 1964.[12]

Despite agreeing to a two-year truce in September 1964, the acrimony between UMNO and PAP soon flared up again. At the heart of the rift was Lee’s multi-racial slogan, “Malaysian Malaysia”, which sowed deep distrust among UMNO leaders, especially the “ultras”, who viewed his vision of a non-communal Malaysia as a challenge to their party’s raison d'être of undisputed Malay dominance.[13]"…/dc1efe7a-8159-40b2-9244-cdb0…

The communal issues raised by Lee and driven by UMNO's supremacist agenda has remain a focal point of today's politics serving to deeply divide Malayan society.

The independence of Singapore served as a great exposition of the false arguments used to justify the formation of Malaysia.

These turned on 2 main arguments that the formation was (1) the only way to protect S'pore Brunei North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak from foreign invasion and (2) essential for these countries to achieved prosperity and "independence".

Since Singapore independence in 1965 it has proven all its detractors wrong.

It was never invaded by anyone and it survived very well by "standing alone"

S'pore being outside Malaysia developed into a world class performer and achieved the status of a top high income country.

Furthermore, this state of affairs is reinforced by Brunei which also demonstrated (without going the S'pore path), it could still survive and become a high income country if it controlled its oil resources (like Norway).

Sabah & Sarawak in Malaysia became poorer than they were before 1963 because their wealth has been stolen to develop Malaya and enrich Malaya's power elites. Their current status exposes the big lie used in the British euphemism that Sabah and Sarawak achieved "independence" by becoming states of Malaya.

Source: Borneo Wiki

IT is not wrong for the state to revisit what its forefathers have agreed to when the Malaysia Agreement was penned on July 9, 1963.

Assistant Minister of Housing Datuk Abdul Karim Hamzah said there were various factors that ought to be looked into especially when Sarawak attained independence through Malaysia more than 50 years ago.

“What they have agreed to at that time, what safeguards the state has got, whether these terms and conditions they have agreed to at that moment of time…were they followed through by the leaders of post Malaysia after the leaders that helmed this beloved nation of ours through the years?

“These are natural questions that come to us especially now with the increase in social media where people are able to access information easier and with a population with a good eduction background, there’s a lot of questions being asked,” he said in his debate to support the motion calling on the state government to be fully committed in safeguarding the special interest of the state which was tabled by Land Development Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing at the State Legislative Assembly yesterday.

Abdul Karim (BN Asajaya), who seconded the motion, said Sarawakians had experienced many levels of unhappiness throughout the years on issues concerning the rate of infrastructure such as the condition of schools, hospitals, clinics, roads, electricity and clean water supplies in the state, and the insufficient funding given by the federal government among others.

“There is also unhappiness of certain policies such as the usage of English, the use of the word ‘Allah’, and the right to practise one’s faith through the years as well as unhappiness over erosions of the rights of our territory especially on the ‘continental shelf’ which even before we formed Malaysia, are recognised as ours.”

“I won’t go into the very details on what are the areas that have been eroded but suffice for me to say that some of these matters have been highlighted by Our Right Honourable Chief Minister (Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem) in his speeches across the state, in Peninsular Malaysia as well as by members of this august House,” he said.

Abdul Karim also said it was enlightening that the state government had set up several committees to discuss these issues with the federal government.

“It is enlightening to see that the state government is looking into this and we have got our own way of trying to address this problem so it will be a win-win situation for the state and the nation.

“The answers to these have not come about but slowly, we can see that the federal government is giving what we have requested for such as the (Pan Borneo) Highway, which is already undergoing construction now in Teluk Melano-Sematan and another in Bintulu while the request for increase in oil royalty as well as contracts of the oil industry to be given to local or state-linked companies seemed to be getting attention from Petronas and the federal government,” he said, adding that with the committees being set up, hopefully there’s light at the end of the tunnel for the state to be given more empowerment from the federal government.

Abdul Karim also took the opportunity to make a playful jab at the opposition stating that they had been trying to jump on the ‘popularity bandwagon’ that Adenan has created.

“It cannot be denied that Our Right Honourable Chief Minister has been steadfast in his efforts to get back the rights that are rightfully ours and which have through the years been taken away or diminished from us and unfortunately the opposition has tried to jump on the bandwagon as (prior to this) we have not heard them talking about this.

“It is probably because the election is near and they might have run out of issues. This is the first time I’ve seen so many motions (from the opposition) practically related to the same subject matter which is on the state-federal relationship,” he said.

Coincidently, opposition members Chong Chieng Jen (DAP Kota Sentosa), David Wong (DAP Pelawan) and See Chee How (PKR Batu Lintang) also filed the same motion that contained the same subject matters to what Masing had tabled.

THE State Legislative Assembly yesterday unanimously approved a motion tabled by Land Development Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing who called on the state government to be fully committed in safeguarding the special interests of the state.

The motion also incorporates three other motions from Chong Chieng Jen (DAP Kota Sentosa), David Wong (DAP Pelawan) and See Chee How (PKR Batu Lintang) that contained the same subject matter to what Masing tabled.

Chong called for the appointment of a Special Select Committee to consider and review the terms of the Malaysia Agreement and the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution on four areas, namely Education, Healthcare, Internal Security and Taxation, while Wong tabled a motion on the use of English as the official language of Sarawak.

The motion tabled by See was to call on the august House to preserve and uphold the territorial integrity of Sarawak and Rejection of Territorial Sea Act 2012 as well as on the setting up of a commission to look into the constitutional and legal framework for devolution of powers to Sarawak.

Prior to the passing of the motion tabled by Masing, it was debated and supported by Assistant Minister of Housing Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Chong as well as See.

Masing, who is also Baleh assemblyman, proposed that the august House mandates the state government to take all measures and action under Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement with the federal government to ensure the complete implementation of all the recommendations of the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) Report for the advancement and safeguard the special interests of the state and the peoples of Sarawak.

“We also called on the state government to realign federal policies on education, health and official language so that they are consistent with the constitutional safeguards and the terms of the IGC Report.”

He also called for a review of the grants and other revenues assigned to the state shall be initiated and the discharge of financial burdens by the federal government on subject matters in the Concurrent List and additional sources of revenues be made available to the state government to carry out its constitutional functions and responsibilities to the people.

“We propose for the delegation of federal functions and powers to the state to ensure the efficient and effective monitoring or supervision, and timely implementation, of federal works and infrastructural projects in the state or projects designed to improve the welfare of the rural communities.”

Masing called for a review of all legislations that affect the state’s rights to its natural resources of the exercise powers and functions in relation thereto, under the Federal Constitution, within its boundaries and upon such review, to amend or repeal such legislation.

Finally, he called for a review of those federal government’s decisions or policies which were found to be inconsistent with the aspirations of the people of the state as noted in the Cobbold Commission Report and the IGC Report at the time of the formation of Malaysia.

According to Masing, the state government was firmly committed to accelerate the economic and social progress made by the state since Malaysia Day to enable the state to reach the level of development of the states in Peninsular Malaysia and be part of a developed nation by 2020.

“The state government is also fully committed to safeguard the special interests of the state as enshrined in Part XIIA of the Federal Constitution, the executive and legislative powers vested in the state and the revenues assigned to the state under the Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitutions; the terms of the Malaysia Agreement and the recommendations of the IGC Report.”

He also said the state government was desirous that the state shall continue to have the authorities vested in the state under the Federal Constitution and additional sources of revenues, and full and meaningful consultation on all decisions, actions, plans, programmes, projects and policies which affect or concern or impact the state and its peoples.

Masing said the state was firmly committed towards strengthening the relationship between the state and federal governments in order to realise the goals of accelerating economic and social progress in the state particularly in the rural areas and to improve the welfare and well being of all communities in the state.

“The continued progress and advancement of Sarawak and the respect for the constitutional safeguards and special interests of the state will promote and strengthen national unity and contribute towards a strong and prosperous Malaysia.”

In his winding up speech, he thanked all the elected representatives for supporting the motion, adding it was important for all of them to speak on the same page on ways to preserve Sarawak’s rights.

“I would like to thank the member for Batu Lintang who spoke on territorial rights. There are two Acts that are very important to us; one is Territorial Sea Act 2012 and Continental Shelf Act 1966,” he said, adding that the Petroleum Mining Act 1966 was also equally important that the state government would look into.

1. Mahdzir Khalid sekali lagi menimbulkan kenyataan kontroversi apabila berkata bahawa hanya bangsa Melayu dari Malaya yang layak memegang teraju pemerintahan negara ini dan mendominasi kuasa politik negara.

2. Menteri Pendidikan ini pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan kontroversi yang dikecam hebat apabila mengaitkan laporan Sarawak Report ke atas Najib Tun Razak sebagai usaha yang dirancang oleh agama Yahudi dan Kristian.

3. Kenyataan tidak bertanggungjawab menteri yang baru dilantik tersebut dilihat sangat berbahaya kerana melaga-lagakan bangsa dan penganut agama di negara ini yang boleh mencetuskan perbalahan kaum. Kenyataan ini adalah fitnah dan hasil karya Mahdzir sendiri yang tidak disokong oleh mana-mana bukti; namun sehingga sekarang tidak ada tindakan yang diambil ke atasnya.

4. Ini menyebabkan Mahdzir lebih berani bersuara lantang membelakangkan sumbangan kaum-kaum lain dalam proses pembentukan Malaysia. Mahdzir berkata: “UMNO lah yang membina negara ini dengan bantuan MCA dan MIC”

5. UMNO tidak membina negara Malaysia.

6. UMNO mungkin memberi sumbangan besar ketika Tanah Melayu menuju kepada proses kemerdekaan dari British tetapi bukan instrumental dalam pembentukan Malaysia. Malaysia terbentuk dengan penyertaan Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara-negara kongsi yang mempunyai taraf yang sama dengan Tanah Melayu pada ketika itu.

7. Kegagalan Madhzir memahami fakta sejarah ini bukan sahaja menunjukkan bahawa beliau tidak layak menjadi menteri tetapi tidak berhak bersuara membelakangkan sumbangan kaum-kaum lain. Apabila pelampau seperti ini dijadikan Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia, maka masa depan negara ini kelam dan ketegangan kaum bakal tercetus.

8. Keluasan tanah Sabah dan Sarawak adalah lebih besar daripada Malaya. Walaupun hanya 5.7 juta rakyat Malaysia tinggal di Sabah dan Sarawak berbanding 22.5 juta di Malaya, namun Malaysia tidak akan wujud di muka bumi ini tanpa Sabah dan Sarawak. Kekuatan maritim Malaysia tidak akan ke mana tanpa Malaysia timur, dan Malaysia tidak akan semaju hari ini tanpa Sabah & Sarawak.

9. Penduduk berbilang bangsa dan agama dari Sabah & Sarawak berjumlah 5.7 juta orang. Sementara orang Melayu dari Malaya berjumlah 9 juta orang. Bumiputera Sabah & Sarawak mempunyai hak yang sama dengan Melayu.

10. Persoalannya mengapa rakyat bumiputera Sabah & Sarawak harus bertuankan Melayu?

BENTANG USUL: Masing ketika membentangkan usul pada Persidangan DUN semalam.

KUCHING: Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) semalam sebulat suara meluluskan usul agar kerajaan negeri diberi kuasa penuh untuk mengambil segala langkah dan tindakan melindungi hak dan kepentingan Sarawak dengan mendesak kerajaan pusat melaksanakan sepenuhnya Perjanjian Malaysia 1963.

Usul itu dibentang oleh Menteri Kemajuan Tanah Tan Sri Datuk Amar James Masing bersama empat lagi usul dikemukakan Chong Chieng Jen (DAP-Kota Sentosa), See Chee Haw (PKR-Batu Lintang) dan David Wong (DAP-Pelawan) kerana ia merangkumi perkara sama.

Masing ketika membaca usul itu berkata Artikel VII Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 memberi jaminan bahawa hak-hak kerajaan negeri akan dilindungi menerusi ‘semua pengesyoran dalam Laporan Jawatankuasa Antara Kerajaan (IGC) untuk menambah baik dan melindungi kepentingan-kepentingan istimewa negeri dan rakyat Sarawak’.

“Oleh itu, Dewan ini memberi mandat kepada kerajaan negeri melakukan rundingan dengan kerajaan persekutuan untuk menyemak serta menyusun semula dasar-dasar persekutuan dalam pendidikan, kesihatan dan bahasa rasmi.

“Semakan dan susunan semula itu penting supaya ia selaras dengan melindungi perlembagaan dan terma-terma Laporan IGC,” ujarnya.

Selain itu dengan lulusnya usul tersebut, mandat turut diberi kepada Ketua Menteri Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem menyemak semula semua undang-undang persekutuan termasuk meminda atau memansuh undang-undang yang menjejaskan hak-hak Sarawak terhadap sumber aslinya.

Undang-undang yang terlibat ialah Akta Pelantar Benua 1966, Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 dan Akta Petroleum 1966.

Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 mengehadkan wilayah perairan Sarawak iaitu dalam lingkungan tiga batu nautika dari pantai manakala Akta Pelantar Benua 1966 dan Akta Petroleum 1996 boleh menjejaskan tuntutan kerajaan negeri untuk mendapatkan pendapatan daripada sumber petroleum.

“Semakan semula ini boleh juga  merangkumi keputusan dan dasar kerajaan persekutuan jika ia didapati tidak seiring dengan aspirasi rakyat Sarawak seperti ditulis dalam Laporan Suruhanjaya Cobbold dan Laporan IGC.

“Mandat ini juga boleh digunakan untuk memulakan kajian semula geran dan pendapatan lain yang diberikan kepada Sarawak,”ujarnya.

Sementara itu pada persidangan sama, Dewan menolak beberapa usul dibangkit pembangkang antaranya usul dikemukakan Baru Bian (PKR- Ba’Kelalan).

Baru mengemukakan usul agar kerajaan negeri melaksanakan dasar-dasar tetap untuk mencapai ‘Borneonisasi’ dan pembahagian perkhidmatan jawatan dalam sektor awam yang seimbang dalam kalangan etnik di Malaysia terutama 90 peratus rakyat Sarawak dalam sektor pendidikan dan jawatan pengarah serta timbalan pengarah jabatan kerajaan pusat menjelang 2018.

Selain itu Dewan turut menolak secara bertulis usul Baru yang mahu Biro Tata Negara (BTN) disemak semula.

Baru yang ditemui selepas itu memberitahu, antara alasan dikemukakan Speaker DUN Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar menolak usul pertamanya ialah perkataan ‘Borneonisation’ tidak sesuai digunakan.

“Manakala usul berkaitan BTN, alasan ia ditolak ialah perkataan digunakan ketika membentangkan usul itu boleh mewujudkan perasaan niat jahat yang boleh menyebabkan permusuhan dalam kalangan berlainan kaum di Sarawak atau melanggar Perlembagaan Negeri Sarawak atau Perlembagaan Persekutuan atau Akta Hasutan 1948,” jelasnya.

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